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The Basketball Hoops Assembling Experts!

We are the most experienced and reliable basketball hoop assemblers in Florida

With more than 15 year in business we are assembled every one brand and every one model of basketball systems. with a proud 100% customer satisfaction

Specialized Machines

The Right Equipments:

We own the machines specialized only in Basketball Systems assembling, This is our business, not guessing nor testing
Specialized Machines

The Biggest Ones

We have assembled fields for the major leagues with full responsibility and fulfillment for professional players
Specialized Machines

Basketball hoops for Professionals

We have assembled hoops on professional courts
Megaslam XL Assembled in North Miami

Specialized Machines:

Machines and equipments dedicated only to lift backboards and system heavy poles
Spetialized machines 2

Detailed procedures

Spetialized machines 2

Torque Wrench used

We don't guess, Bolts tighten with torque wrenche @ 80 lb/ft

Just call or text us
954 591 8833

We asemble products from the following manufacturers, retailers, vendord or suppliers:

Megaslam produnk goalsetter Goalsetter Silverback Ironclad Lifetime Spalding dicks Sports Auth Walmart Ikea Lowes Target OfficeDepot Costco